Thursday, April 26, 2007

Zinger Burger

* 4 Chicken Breasts (boneless, with skin)
* Lettuce
* ½ tsp. White Pepper
* ½ tsp. Salt
* ½ tsp. Aginomoto Salt
* ½ tsp. Mustard Paste
* Mayonnaise
* Cooking Oil (for deep frying)

Ingredients for batter:

* 3 tbsp. Refined Flour (Maida)
* 1 tbsp. Corn Flour (Makai Ka Aata)
* ½ tsp. Baking Soda
* 1 Egg
* 3 tbsp. Whole Milk
* 1 cup Cornflakes (crushed)


1. Mix all of the batter ingredients together and make a batter and set aside.

2. Marinate the chicken breasts with: aginomoto salt, white pepper and mustard paste. Set aside for half hour.

3. Dip the chicken breasts in the prepared batter then wrap with corn flakes and deep fry in oil until well done.

4. Take bun apart and spread mayonnaise on the bun. Put a leaf of lettuce and fried chicken breast in bun and close bun and serve.

Fajita Beef Salad

In summer we tend to want easy, light and refreshing meals. A salad could be a mean in itself, by adding a few things from here and there, that will boost the nutrition in the salad and make it a yummier dish.

This following salad is a light but filling meal for the hot days to come.
I listed this recipe in the salad section, but it is actually a jumble between a salad and a sandwich.


* A bit of olive oil
* 8 tortillas / Chapaties (you find these ready made at the bakery or superstore)
* 1 teaspoon ground cumin
* 2 tablespoons light soya sauce
* Fresh green, yellow and red sweet peppers, shredded
* ½ kilo tender beef, shredded
* Lettuce, cut into small peaces
* Avocado, peeled and sliced


In a large pan, heat olive oil, add cumin and soy sauce and bring to a simmer. Toss in the peppers and cook until tender. Remove from pan and set aside.
In the same pan, add the meat and cook until tender.
Heat the tortillas in the oven, then top with lettuce, peppers and the meat. Arrange the Avocado’s on top.
You have the choice of serving this with low-fat sour cream, salsa or hot sauce.

Welcome to FoodFeast

Welcome to FoodFeast, a site where you can get delicious recipes from all over the world.
Keeping in mind the people who want to learn how to cook, we have written it in such a way that one can simply pick the recipe and can make delicious meal for ownself as well for family and Friends. Enjoy the feast with FoodFeast.